Week 5 at 1320 -02 February 2011
This week has 1320 assembling a mystrery engine in black

Scott's in the middle of a gearbox out job.Ready for a new rear main to replace the old leaky part.Also a KAV clutch and Coils will be fitted.

As you can see oil everywhere, If your loosing oil and you cant see where from,...it's here!
Today's work at 1320 was mostly powered by

And finally when your engine building or assembling a head use

Lubriplate, avalible from 1320 :)

Scott's in the middle of a gearbox out job.Ready for a new rear main to replace the old leaky part.Also a KAV clutch and Coils will be fitted.

As you can see oil everywhere, If your loosing oil and you cant see where from,...it's here!
Today's work at 1320 was mostly powered by

And finally when your engine building or assembling a head use

Lubriplate, avalible from 1320 :)