First job on the agenda was to adjust the camber to the max that the Cross camber plates would let us.

Obviously this makes the tracking out of wack so out come the trusty 70s Dunlop tracking guages

As you can see the 16 x 8 Rota Slipstreams and 205 40 16 Neutons look the part....but due to the smaller height of the Neuton tyre over the toyo 215 45 17 our bumper clearance is now minimal...........a lot of scrapeage can be heard going along Moor Road.

As you can see there's not much clearance between ture and arch in the rear either

So a nice chilled out succesfull day, I didn't rip the bumper or sump off on the way home either........but 4 teenagers in a slammed old skool Golf gave us the thumbs up so it must look right...well in there eyes :)